After my long weekend in Thailand, the days have been busy with work. Coming home around 7 o'clock in the evening leaves little room for playing tourist except in the weekends and by going out to nearby restaurants in the workday evenings (after working plus transfer for 11 hours, you are too tired to go further away in Beijing, not least because the traffic situation may be terrible and the same with the taxi situation). So staying in the right place, close to restaurants and shopping that you like is essential in Beijing. Going to the other side of town may be a half day exercise ;o)
But in the weekends you can do more exploratory things, e.g. going to Lake Hu Hai, picking fresh tomatoes etc.
Today's photos are from these activities plus other small incidents during the normal work days.
I am truly enjoying the work, but the working hours including transfer is a big change from my previous 2 years of diving holiday ;o)
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