søndag den 20. juni 2010

Bangkok fever

Bangkok is a weird city. It is hectic and chaotic. But it also slowly gets under your skin. I deliberately choose to stay 'longer time' in every place I go; I want to feel the 'pulse' where I am, so I have now stayed quite a few days in Bangkok. And it is certainly a city that gets under your skin. I am amazed by how hard people work here. How much they smile. How much they. It is amazing to see. Yes, many people are poor. And seeing poor people is never fun. But they also work hard to get out of their poverty. If you have more than 10 items to sell, you have a 'shop', and people stand on the street trying to sell it. Of course the negative side is that the body is also an 'item' in Bangkok, and it is impossible not to notice how this part of the economy is happening.
Bangkok is a city that changes you. It shows how open-minded a country can be. You learn to accept that many of the people working in restaurants may be men or women, but who cares? You learn that the smile of Thai people is not a surface thing; it is part of their culture. You learn how big a 'drive' humans can have to change their life to better.

Some have been concerned about the safety in Bangkok these days. Well, the big demonstrations are over, but once in a while you still hear about small demonstrations here and there; but usually happens in a more or less peaceful way. Right now most Thai people just wants to have the tourists come back in same amounts as normal (there are tourists here, but really not many)

Today's photo is a brilliant 'Birthday present' from a good friend :-)

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