lørdag den 5. juni 2010

Going to Bangkok in 2-3 days

After basically 4 months on islands and with diving, I have decided to go to Bangkok in a few days. From there I will see if any of my 'job applications' elsewhere in the world comes through. And maybe I will do some 'non-diving' things also (cultural things etc). But I also just want to get away from the island life for a short time (in Danish: ø-kuller :-). I actually look forward coming to a place where I can buy things which I have missed for 4 months; like for instance underwear (I have not yet seen a shop on any of the islands I have visited selling men's underwear; loads of women's underwear, but I am not yet THAT desperate :-). And I also need to do a number of other small things; including getting my mobile phone repaired (the keypad gave up in the humidity down here; first all keypad printing disappeared, and now the keys start falling off; but it still works 'a little bit').

And maybe it is good to take a small break from all the diving; the last thing I want is to get tired of diving :-)

The two photos shows my coming transitions - you guess yourself which is island life and which is city life :-)

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