onsdag den 17. november 2010

Some impressions of Hua Hin - and a Quiz

Well, Hua Hin has still good weather, but the beach is so-so and the town is pretty much filled with middle aged++ people. But relaxing indeed. Some of the wildest things are elephants which they bring around in the streets asking the tourists to buy them food....

Today's photos are from Hua Hin, including some evidence that dogs are pretty liked here.
They have several Scandinavian restaurants including a pure Danish restaurant where I the other day (with my friend) had 'Stegt flæsk med persillesovs' and she got 'Frikadeller' :)

I went to a drag-show also, and some of the photos are from there :)

And finally the quiz; what relates the video to Denmark?

3 kommentarer:

  1. Det er jo Gasolin der spiller :-)

  2. Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.

  3. Gasolin - måske. Men jeg tænker nu også på ham manden, der bukker sig og samler en flaske op. Og huset i baggrunden kunne med lidt god vilje godt minde Christian om skisportsbaren på Skanderborg :-)
