onsdag den 2. maj 2012

Status of my book...

The status of my book is that it has been selling around number 100.000-300.000 best selling electronic book from Amazon over the last 8 weeks (out of 1+ millions of books). A best seller? Hardly ;o)
Yes, these data are from US only, but I assume that sales through Amazon which is one of the few places to buy it counts also as US data ;o)
It is selling as around number 200.000 to 800.000 out of 8+ million of books as paperback
Anyway, I am happy. But of course it is not perfect.
I guess we are talking hundreds or maximum a bit over thousand sold totally, but it is still a new book ;o). I do not have any figures from the publisher (which are accurate), since those data are delayed 3-4 months, but Amazon provides some data for authors also, see attached

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